Speak Up

Another part that can be worked on….the speaker grill. Decided to go with a perforated aluminum for the speaker area on the cab. The perfed material is about 50% open, but since the whole speaker panel (27″ x 6″) will be perfed, the total open space is greater than a speaker cutout that is 100% open but just the size of the speaker. The speakers mount a little behind the speaker panel (about 5″ from panel to center of speakers) so they will be able to ‘see’ the entire speaker panel area:


In order to meet up properly with the marquee retainer, the upper edge needed to be bent back to 70° and the lower edge to 90°. It turned out that the aluminum wanted to bend on the holes and so we had to work really hard (and scrap one piece) to get the 6″ face dimension right and everything else straight. Here is the piece as it will be seen from the front of the cab:


And the profile of the bends:


The edges are very rough as each hole creates a sharp point if it is cut across. I found some edge trim that is black rubber and fits exactly over the edge. I ordered a sample and it is perfect:


So now it is off to get powder coated in satin black!

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